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Progressive Learning Solutions

DiSC Assessments


Progressive Learning Solutions is a leading facilitator and provider of DiSC. We conduct DiSC programs tailored to meet your individual and organisational needs. We have several programs that use DiSC to add value to our engaging topics including:


  • Individual Insights (uses Everything DiSC Workplace)

  • Motivational Management  (uses Everything DiSC Management) 

  • Assertiveness and Conflict Resolution (uses Everything DiSC Workplace)


We also can facilitate a program for you or provide DiSC reports in the following areas: 


  • Everything DiSC Workplace

  • Everything DiSC Sales

  • Everything DiSC Management

  • Everything DiSC Work of Leaders

  • Everything DiSC Comparison Reports 

  • Everything DiSC Facilitator Reports 


Progressive Learning Solutions specialise in conducting in-house programs. We also have a number of packages that you can use when conducting a DiSC program. There are many other benefits and uses for DiSC.  When you participate in one of our programs it can add significant value to your learning and development experience.


Much more than DiSC


Progressive Learning Solutions uses DiSC as a tool - we know it will not be the solution to every situation or to every development need. That’s why we design our programs using our content and content from a variety of up-to-date, fresh and reliable sources to make every training experience targeted to your learning and development needs.




The key to using DiSC effectively is to understand that whatever your DiSC profile is, it is just perfect for you. There are no good or bad profiles. And no matter what your profile is, there will be times when being yourself will work just fine for you, and there will be times when it doesn’t work. At times like this, when being yourself does not produce positive results for you, you need to be able to adapt your thinking and behaviour to be more effective. What a privilege it is for us to be able to take this journey with you!


Our Experience 


We are accredited by the world's leading DiSC provider and we have access to the latest research and online assessment tools. We have developed an excellent track record with our clients for delivering successful outcomes using DiSC methodologies when tailored with our own program material and using our experienced facilitators. 


Our experience with many industry tools has also shown us that Wiley Publishing DiSC tools add the most value to people development programs - that’s why it is our first choice when we deliver basic development workshops through to advanced programs.  


What is Everything DiSC?


For a more indepth understading of Everything DiSC and how it can benefit your organsiation please click here

Need More Information 


Contact us today to get more information about a program that is suitable for your needs or to obtain a quote. 




DiSC Profiles, DiSC Training, Everything DiSC, DiSC Tests
Sample DiSC  Reports
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