5 Dysfunctions of a Team
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team has become the world’s most definitive source on practical information for building teams. The book’s impact extends beyond business schools, churches, non-profit organizations, professional sports teams and the military. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team has sold over two million copies and continues to be a fixture on national best-seller lists week after week.
DiSC for Managers
What are the benefits to taking the assessments for managers?
Managers can benefit in several ways from taking our DiSC assessments. First, regardless of what industry, profession, sector, or any other classification you want to use, managers are first and foremost in the people business. Their job is to orchestrate people to get work done. Dealing with people is largely an art, but applying the science of DiSC to people interactions increases effectiveness and takes some of the mystery out of the process.
Regardless of your natural style, the more managers learn about how to “read people”, understand the dynamics of the styles – such as motivating factors and natural fears, they will more quickly and easily be able to relate to and give direction and support to their employees. Conflict will be diminished, both between them and their employees, as well as between employees. Instead of spending all day on “personality conflicts,” they’ll be able to navigate individual differences and coach employees to communicate more effectively.
Managers are responsible for the productivity of their teams, ease of administration and memorable and verified results. Communication mistakes, frustrations and delays are minimized when “speaking the language” of each person, based on their individual DiSC style.
Trust is built more rapidly, delegation is smooth, and employees feel more engaged and motivated. Managers can focus more on clearing barriers and helping develop their people based on their natural strengths instead of going in circles trying to get people to understand what they are saying. Streamline communication, reduce conflict and focus on the business instead of dealing with “people problems” all day.
Everything DiSC Management
Understanding and improving your management behaviours
Using the power of Everything DiSC Management Profile, this interactive program offers managers a journet of discovery of their management style. You will learn how to adapt your style to manage, motivate and delegate more effectively with your subordinates.
This programs helps managers understand how their behavioural tendencies influence their effectiveness in management situations. Its focus:developing prefered behaviours based on best practices.
Personnaly it focuses on your strengths and limitation in:
Directing and Delegating
Developing Others
Working with your Manager