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Progressive Learning Solutions

How does DiSC work


When you receive a DiSC profile:


When you receive a DiSC profile test or an access code for an online assessment, you answer a simple questionnaire about your own behavior. These might be forced choice — this word describes me most, this one describes me least — if you're taking DiSC Classic. You'll see a rating scale — I strongly agree, agree, am neutral, etc. — for Everything DiSC profiles. You are regarded as the expert on yourself. There are no right or wrong answers.


Scoring is done electronically or by hand, depending on the profile you choose. This will produce a profile report. You'll be able to read about your unique behavioral style, your tendencies, needs, preferred environment and strategies for effective behavior. You'll learn more about your strengths and weaknesses.


Each profile report also includes information about other DiSC styles so you'll learn more about others as well. Facilitators might use comparison, group or other reports to provide a greater understanding of your team, group, clients or colleagues.


If you're taking a DiSC test during a hiring or promotion process, you can use the insights gained to talk more concretely about your own strengths during an interview. You can use it to determine the best approaches for working with a new manager or new team.


What does DiSC measure?

DiSC measures your personality and behavioral style. It does not measure intelligence, aptitude, mental health or values. DiSC profiles describe human behavior in various situations. For example, the DiSC questionnaire asks about how you respond to challenges, how you influence others, how you respond to rules and procedures, and about your preferred pace of activity .


The DiSC model discusses four reference points:


  • Dominance â€“ direct, strong-willed and forceful


  • Influence – sociable, talkative and lively


  • Steadiness – gentle, accommodating and soft-hearted


  • Conscientiousness – private, analytical and logical


Eight scales are used to more accurately provide personalized feedback in the Everything DiSC product family. Profiles created for specific uses, such as Everything DiSC Management or Everything DiSC Sales, map behavioral traits within a more focused environment.


Personality assessments in psychology

Psychologists have been measuring personality traits since the 1930s. Since that time they have strived to better understand personality and to create a way of measuring it. They have become more aware of the complexity of interactive forces that are responsible for any one behavior.


DiSC assessments differ in method and purpose from instruments used in clinical settings to determine the emotional health of individuals. DiSC is used to help people understand themselves and others in the range of normal human behavior.


Most personality psychologists believe that traits and situations are interactive. This is one reason why DiSC can be so helpful – you can learn to adapt your own responses depending on the DiSC style of the person you're speaking with or your situation. So as a manager, you might choose not to use the behavior you're most comfortable with, but instead use one you know will be more effective with your entire team.

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