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Progressive Learning Solutions
Everything DiSC Sales Video
Sample DiSC Sales Reports

DiSC for Sales


How can a sales force benefit from using DiSC?


There are two ways to approach selling – selling a product or selling a solution.  Selling a solution always generates more sales … The key to selling a solution, however, is to recognize that you are selling the solution to SOMEONE’S problem!  That means you need to understand PEOPLE and what makes them tick in order to really “get” their problems and be able to recommend solutions that will work for them.  


By taking the Everything DiSC Sales assessment, sales people learn how to “decode” people.  They learn to recognize behavioral cues, more deeply understand their customers’ motivating factors, fears, and buying priorities.  They then learn to talk their customers’ unique “DiSC-based” language so that customers feel heard and understood.  


As salespeople respond by talking the customers’ language, the customer will trust them more, and more readily listen to solutions the salesperson is offering.  It won’t feel like “being sold to.”  Instead, it will feel like a trusted advisor helping solve your problem.  And that will increase sales, repeat business, and customer referrals!



Connecting better with your customer


Not every customer responds well to the same sales approach. Salespeople who learn to adapt their behaviour are better able to meet their customers' needs and improve sales results.


By helping people discover their unique strengths and limitations, Everything DiSC Sales can convince even experienced salespeople that they can become more effective at their jobs.


Customer Connections is a powerful one-day program that will focus on:


  • Understanding your Sales Style

  • Recognizing and understanding customer buying styles

  • Adapting your sales style to your customers buying style


Customer Connections combines online pre-work, engaging facilitation with contemporary video, and online follow-up to create a personalized learning experience.


Using the third generation of the DiSC® assessment, a research-validated learning model, participants understand the styles and priorities of their customers.


The result is salespeople who adapt their styles to connect better—and close more sales.




Everything DiSC Sales Customer Interaction Maps:

Follow-up reports that help salespeople adapt their selling style to meet the needs of a customer. These one-page reports are the perfect personalized cheat sheets to prepare for sales calls and participants get unlimited access—at no additional charge.


Everything DiSC Facilitator Report:

Provides a composite of your group’s DiSC styles and information on how DiSC styles can impact your organization’s culture. Includes the names and styles of each participant.

Sold separately.


Everything DiSC Group Culture Report:

Helps you determine the group’s DiSC culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its effect on group members, and examine its influence on decision making and risk taking.

Sold separately.



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