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Progressive Learning Solutions uses a range of behavioural analysis tools - we know it will not be the solution to every situation or to every development need. That’s why we design our programs using our content and content from a variety of up-to-date, fresh and reliable sources to make every coaching experience targeted to your learning and development needs.


Precise: Our coaching assessment uses adaptive testing—an interactive assessment process that tailors questions based on an individual’s responses—to give participants the most precise assessment possible.

Executive Coaching


As a leader, you know how important it is to maintain your leadership skills. Originated from more than three decades of research and practical know-how, our leadership coaching can help you master new your leadership dimensions — and achieve more than you ever imagined.


Our executive coaching provides one-on-one customised leadership development opportunities for senior managers and executives. Our coaching framework ensures that the coach and the employee establish a trusting and committed relationship. The coach builds on this relationship, supporting the analysis process, developing the participant in a manner that encourages the stretch needed to challenge the executive, and then supporting the leader to ensure positive behavioural change.


Although each offering follows a similar framework, each engagement is custom designed to each participant, focusing on their particular leadership behavioural needs.

Best suited for leaders who:


  • Desire a more personal approach to development

  • Would benefit from a face-to-face experience with an  experienced coach

  • Welcomes the additional structure provided by a one-on-one experience

  • Is in an organization that recognizes the value of individual coaching

  • Might use a confidential, empowering, professional relationship to enhance the organization's effectiveness through leadership


We recommend 6 x 1 hour coaching sessions or 12 x 1 hour Coaching sessions


Our focus areas:


Leaders are defined by their ability to influence change.  They are asked to provide a vision, align their followers to the vision, and execute on that vision.  


Whether you are a “high potential employee” who has aspirations to move into leadership, you are a new project leader or you are a seasoned vet running a division or an entire company, our Executive Coaching will clarify the process for the work you do and provide you with best practices to become the best leader you can be.  We all have natural strengths and natural limitations (aka challenge areas, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement).  


Too often leaders are told what leadership is supposed to be

or provided grandiose pictures of the ultimate leader, but

they aren’t provided with tangible, actionable,

personalized feedback and strategies for HOW to

improve as a leader.  


That is exactly what our 'Work of Leaders' and 

rater-based 360’ assessment '363 for Leaders'

does for you.  As a leader, you will learn

context-based best practices, assess how you are

currently doing on enacting those best practices,

and you’ll be given specific tips and strategies,

relative to your behavioral style and your current

leadership gaps, on how to improve.


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