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Progressive Learning Solutions uses a range of behavioural analysis tools - we know it will not be the solution to every situation or to every development need. That’s why we design our programs using our content and content from a variety of up-to-date, fresh and reliable sources to make every coaching experience targeted to your learning and development needs.


Precise: Our coaching assessment uses adaptive testing—an interactive assessment process that tailors questions based on an individual’s responses—to give participants the most precise assessment possible.

Interpersonal Skills Coaching


Interpersonal skills are those skills which allow you to develop effective relationships with others. This could include social relationships or working relationships whether on a one to one basis or in a team. Interpersonal skills are essential skills to possess to be successful and happy in all aspects life.


Coaching can be a powerful way of developing your interpersonal skills, raising your awareness of how you interact with others whether it is with business partners, board members or employees.


Developing strong interpersonal skills ranks as one of the biggest – and most critical in a productive business environment.   Learn to develop effective communications skills that build positive interactions with others. Build skills to minimise miscommunication and conflict, increase respect and improve productivity through more effective communication.


Best suited for individuals who:


  • Seek independance, accuracy and objectivity in their tasks

  • Judges others by use of logic and their systematic process

  • Avoid conversations due to fear of tension

  • Leaves confrontantial issues unresolved due to anger

  • Prefer to work autonomously rather than collaboratively

  • Lack patience and sensitivity towards others emotions

  • Find themselves more attentitive to statistics


Our Interpersonal Coachning Skills can help you focus on:


  • Effectively managing internal dialogue

  • Being assertive in conflict situations

  • Give and receive effective and appropriate feedback

  • Proving clarity by improving how you explain your rationale

  • Delivery the appropriate structure for your messages

  • Being more receptive of others and their ideas

  • The Art of Active Listening

  • Being expressive and more encouraging of employees

  • Negotiating and Persuading others

  • Preparing and managing difficult conversations




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