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Progressive Learning Solutions

The Work of Leaders

How Vision, Alignment, and Execution Will Change the Way You Lead


The Work of Leaders: How Vision, Alignment, and Execution Will Change the Way You Lead book takes Vision, Alignment, and Execution to the next level in leadership professional development. Use it with Everything DiSC Work of Leaders profile for maximum benefit.


5 Dysfunctions of a Team

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team has become the world’s most definitive source on practical information for building teams. The book’s impact extends beyond business schools, churches, non-profit organizations, professional sports teams and the military. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team has sold over two million copies and continues to be a fixture on national best-seller lists week after week.


8 Dimensions of Leadership

DiSC Strategies for Becoming a Better Leader


Through a combination of empirical and theoretical research, and based on the DiSC® model, the eight dimensions of leadership model was created. The key leadership dimensions are Pioneering, Energizing, Affirming, Inclusive, Humble, Deliberate, Resolute, and Commanding.


8 Dimensions of Leadership: DiSC Strategies for Becoming a Better Leader book helps you identify your primary leadership dimension and ways to become a multi-dimensional leader. Great to use with new and experienced managers, 360 reviews, and in coaching relationships.

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DiSC for Leaders


How do leaders benefit from making use of the DiSC system?


Leaders are defined by their ability to influence change.  They are asked to provide a vision, align their followers to the vision, and execute on that vision.  DiSC provides a framework in which communication and interpersonal relationships can be personalized and individuated so that each person hears the message based on their priorities and clearly understand how their strengths enable the accomplishment of the vision.


Whether you are a “high potential employee” who has aspirations to move into leadership, you are a new project leader or you are a seasoned vet running a division or an entire company, the Everything DiSC Work of Leaders will clarify the process for the work you do and provide you with best practices to become the best leader you can be.  We all have natural strengths and natural limitations (aka challenge areas, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement).  


Too often leaders are told what leadership is supposed to be or provided grandiose pictures of the ultimate leader, but they aren’t provided with tangible, actionable, personalized feedback and strategies for HOW to improve as a leader.  That is exactly what both Everything DiSC Work of Leaders and our rater-based 360’ assessment 363 for Leaders does for you.  As a leader, you will learn context-based best practices, assess how you are currently doing on enacting those best practices, and you’ll be given specific tips and strategies, relative to your behavioral style and your current leadership gaps, on how to improve.



Everything DiSC leadership profiles and resources


Leaders are found at every level of an organization. The challenge is to develop their talents and make them more effective. Leaders have the power to choose alternative ways of thinking, acting, and behaving in the leadership activities for which they are responsible. These tools provide leaders with personal insights, a model to increase their flexibility in leadership behaviors, and resources to which they can return as they gain more experiences and become more multidimensional leaders.


360 Dimensional Leadership

Leadership Coaching with a difference


Everything DiSC® 363™ for Leaders combines the best of 360° feedback with the simplicity and power of DiSC, plus three strategies for improving leadership effectiveness. The result is a 360 experience that’s more productive and satisfying.



  • 25+ page feedback report for leaders at any level in an organization.

  • Unlimited raters can respond for each leader.

  • Uses selectable comments to provide balanced, constructive feedback.

  • Clear visuals, conversational style.

  • Free six-page Everything DiSC 363 Coaching Supplement available with each leader report.

  • Free, comprehensive support materials.


A key benefit that differentiates Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders from other 360s is CommentSmart, a proprietary selectable comment system that alleviates the need for raters to write open-ended comments. Leaders get constructive, actionable feedback that they can use, without the distraction of snide or distasteful open-ended comments.


A program for Leaders transforming their business culture.


The Work of Leaders program approaches leadership as a one-to-many relationship, as opposed to the one-to-one relationship of management. It focuses on tangible steps directed at leading a group or organisation toward desired outcomes.


It is a leadership program for a group of leaders looking to:


  • Undertake and lead transformational change across an organisation (small or large)

  • Drive the planning process

  • Lead a workforce through the  planning and execution cycle


Using the framework of Vision, Alignment and Execution, Work of Leaders encourage leaders to understand their own leadership behaviours and how they affect their impact across each of these stages of Vision, Alignment and Execution


Everything DiSC Management

Understanding and improving your management behaviours


Using the power of Everything DiSC Management Profile, this interactive program offers managers a journet of discovery of their management style. You will learn how to adapt your style to manage, motivate and delegate more effectively with your subordinates.


This programs helps managers understand how their behavioural tendencies influence their effectiveness in management situations. Its focus:developing prefered behaviours based on best practices.


Personnaly it focuses on your strengths and limitation in:


  • Directing and Delegating

  • Motivation

  • Developing Others

  • Working with your Manager


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