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Your use of does not:


1.       affect or reduce any obligation any Agency owes You;

2.       or reduce any obligation You owe to any Agency.


The website is not a substitute for independent professional advice and you should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to your particular circumstances. You must exercise your own judgement and carefully evaluate the material on


We strive to protect information you provide on We will use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that and your information are not compromised. However, we cannot guarantee that no Harmful Code will enter


You should be aware of the risks associated with using websites. We recommend that you use appropriate and up-to-date firewall and anti-virus software to protect your computer systems. If you experience a problem or loss that is caused by the information you send to or via your computer being compromised in some way or by something beyond our control, we cannot take responsibility for causing the problem. We will, however, do our best to help you if we can. Where connection to a system or website outside our control compromises the objectives of, we may sever links to that website or system.

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