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What is Everything DiSC?

Progressive Learning Solutions

What Is DiSC?

Everything DiSC is a personal assessment tool used to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication. Everything DiSC is non-judgmental and helps people discuss their behavioral differences. It is one of the most widely used behavioural models in the world used by over 1 million people every year to improve work productivity, teamwork and communication.

Why Use DiSC?

The Everything DiSC model provides a common language that people can use to better understand themselves and to adapt their behaviors with others. This can be within a work team, a sales relationship, a leadership position, or other relationships. It allows individuals to become more self-aware and leads to opportunities for a more advanced personal and professional development.

Unlike many variations, the Wiley Profile is based on extensive research and has a proven track record and proven results.

Benefits Of DiSC:

Everything DiSC profiles helps you and your team:

  • Increase your self-awareness: including your motivators and stressors

  • Improve communications and minimise conflict

  • Develop stronger sales skills by identifying and responding to customer styles

  • Manage more effectively by enhancing individual and team performance

  • Appreciate that we are all have a differences

There are many other benefits and uses for DiSC. When you participate in one of our programs it can add significant value to your learning and development experience.

Much More Than DiSC

Progressive Learning Solutions uses DiSC as a customised tool ito help you and your organisations learning and development needs. Contact Us to find out how we can help you!

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